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2 Samuel 17.28 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG 2S 17:28 apportèrent des lits, des bassins, des vases de terre, du froment, de l'orge, de la farine, du grain rôti, des fèves, des lentilles, des pois rôtis,

KJV 2S 17:28 Brought beds, and basons, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and flour, and parched corn, and beans, and lentiles, and parched pulse,

Références liées

These no doubt consisted of skins of beasts, mats, carpets, and such like. *2Sa 16:1-2,
*1Sa 25:18
*Isa 32:8
or, cups, Sappoth, probably wooden bowls, such as the Arabs still eat out of, and knead their bread in.
earthen vessels
Keley yotzair, literally, "vessels of the potter." So when Dr. Perry visited the temple of Luxor in Egypt, he says, "We were entertained by the Caliph here with great civility and favour; he sent us, in return of our presents, several sheep, a good quantity of eggs, bardacks," etc. The bardacks, he informs us, were earthen vessels, used "to cool and refresh their water in, by means of which it drinks very cool and pleasant in the hottest seasons of the year." See Harmer, chapter vi. *Oba 1:3
Mr. Jones says, "Travellers use zumeet, tumeet, and limereece. Zumeet is flour mixed with honey, butter, and spice; tumeet is flour done up with organ oil, and limereece is flour mixed with water, for drink. This quenches thirst much better than water alone, satisfies a hungry appetite; cools and refreshes tired and weary spirits," etc.


- loaves
Juges 8:5 Il dit aux gens de Succoth: Donnez, je vous prie, quelques pains au peuple qui m'accompagne, car ils sont fatigués, et je suis à la poursuite de Zébach et de Tsalmunna, rois de Madian.
- parched
Ruth 2:14 Au moment du repas, Boaz dit à Ruth: Approche, mange du pain, et trempe ton morceau dans le vinaigre. Elle s'assit à côté des moissonneurs. On lui donna du grain rôti ; elle mangea et se rassasia, et elle garda le reste.
- parched corn
1 Samuel 17:17 Isaï dit à David, son fils: Prends pour tes frères cet épha de grain rôti et ces dix pains, et cours au camp vers tes frères ;

Versets de 2 Samuel 17

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