- Un éclairage sur la foi

Esdras 8.27 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG Esd 8:27 vingt coupes d'or valant mille dariques, et deux vases d'un bel airain poli, aussi précieux que l'or.

KJV Esd 8:27 Also twenty basons of gold, of a thousand drams; and two vessels of fine copper, precious as gold.

Références liées

fine copper
Heb. yellow, or shining brass, The Syriac renders, nechosho korinthyo tovo, "good Corinthian brass;" so called from the brass found after the burning of Corinth by Lucius Mummius, which was, as is generally supposed, brass, copper, silver, and gold, melted together. Sir J. Chardin, however, in a manuscript note, cited by Harmer, mentioned a factitious metal used in the East, and highly esteemed there, which might probably be of an origin as ancient as Ezra. He says, "I have heard some Dutch gentlemen speak of a metal in the island of Sumatra, and among the Macassars, much more esteemed than gold, which royal personages alone are privileged to wear. It is a mixture, if I remember right, of gold and steel, or copper and steel." He afterwards added, "calmbac is the name of this metal, which is composed of gold and copper."
Heb. desirable, *Lam 4:2


- pleasant
1 Rois 20:6 J'enverrai donc demain, à cette heure, mes serviteurs chez toi ; ils fouilleront ta maison et les maisons de tes serviteurs, ils mettront la main sur tout ce que tu as de précieux, et ils l'emporteront.
- The vessels
Esdras 7:19 Dépose devant le Dieu de Jérusalem les ustensiles qui te sont remis pour le service de la maison de ton Dieu.

Versets de Esdras 8

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