- Un éclairage sur la foi

Job 28.25 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG Jb 28:25 Quand il régla le poids du vent, Et qu'il fixa la mesure des eaux,

KJV Jb 28:25 To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure.

Références liées

To make the weight
etc. God has given an atmosphere to the earth, which, possessing a certain degree of gravity perfectly suited to the necessities of all animals, vegetables, and fluids, should be the cause, in His hands, of preserving animal and vegetable life; for by it the blood circulates in the veins of animals, and the juices in the tubes of vegetables. Without this atmospheric pressure there could be no respiration; and the elasticity of the particles of air in animal and vegetable bodies, would rupture the vessels in which they are contained, and destroy both kinds of life. *Psa 135:7
*Isa 40:12
he weigheth
He has exactly proportioned the aqueous surface of the earth to the terrene parts, for the purpose of evaporation, etc.


- For
Genèse 7:4 Car, encore sept jours, et je ferai pleuvoir sur la terre quarante jours et quarante nuits, et j'exterminerai de la face de la terre tous les êtres que j'ai faits.
- longer
Job 11:9 La mesure en est plus longue que la terre, Elle est plus large que la mer.
- laid
Job 38:5 Qui en a fixé les dimensions, le sais-tu ? Ou qui a étendu sur elle le cordeau ?

Versets de Job 28

Chapitres de Job

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