- Un éclairage sur la foi

Hymns of the Morning

Album par Our Daily Bread

Année :
Genre :
Durée : 57'12

Titres de Hymns of the Morning

  1. Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us 02'51
  2. For the Beauty of the Earth 04'22
  3. What a Friend We Have in Jesus 04'44
  4. Fairest Lord Jesus 04'08
  5. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 04'08
  6. This Is My Father's World 02'48
  7. When Morning Gilds the Skies 01'55
  8. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 03'51
  9. All Creatures of Our God and King 02'07
  10. Holy, Holy, Holy 03'42
  11. Near to the Heart of God 04'40
  12. Take My Life and Let It Be 03'07
  13. My Faith Looks Up to Thee 03'41
  14. 'Tis So Sweet 04'07
  15. I Surrender All 04'02
  16. I Need Thee Every Hour 02'50

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