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1 Chroniques 5.21 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG 1Ch 5:21 Ils prirent leurs troupeaux, cinquante mille chameaux, deux cent cinquante mille brebis, deux mille ânes, et cent mille personnes ;

KJV 1Ch 5:21 And they took away their cattle; of their camels fifty thousand, and of sheep two hundred and fifty thousand, and of asses two thousand, and of men an hundred thousand.

Références liées

took away
Heb. led captive
The camel, in Hebrew gamal, retained with little variation in all languages, is, according to the Linnean system, a genus of quadrapeds of the order pecora; comprehending the camel, properly so called, with two prominences; the dromedary, with a single one; the lama, or Peruvian camel, with the back even and the breast gibbose, and the pacos, or camel without any gibbosity. The camel, properly so called, is about 6+ feet in height: its head is small; ears short; neck long, slender, and bending; legs long and slender, having four callosities on the fore legs and two on the hinder, on which it rests; feet soft, parted, but not thoroughly divided; bottom of the foot tough and pliant; tail about two feet in length, terminating in a tuft; and hair fine, soft, of considerable length, and of a dusky reddish colour. Besides the same internal structure as other ruminating animals, it is furnished with an additional bag for containing a quantity of water till wanted.
Heb. souls of men, *Num 31:35
Eze 27:13
*Rev 18:13, souls, Heb. nephesh, Gen 12:5


- carried away
2 Chroniques 14:15 (14:14) Ils frappèrent aussi les tentes des troupeaux, et ils emmenèrent une grande quantité de brebis et de chameaux. Puis ils retournèrent à Jérusalem.
- camels
Jérémie 49:29 On prendra leurs tentes et leurs troupeaux, On enlèvera leurs pavillons, tous leurs bagages et leurs chameaux, Et l'on jettera de toutes parts contre eux des cris d'épouvante.

Versets de 1 Chroniques 5

Chapitres de 1 Chroniques

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