- Un éclairage sur la foi

1 Rois 15.32 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG 1R 15:32 Il y eut guerre entre Asa et Baescha, roi d'Israël, pendant toute leur vie.

KJV 1R 15:32 And there was war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel all their days.

Références liées

am 3051-3074, bc 953-930
there was war
That is, there was a constant spirit of hostility kept up between the two kingdoms, and no doubt frequent skirmishing between the bordering parties; but there was no open war till Baasha king of Israel began to build Ramah, which was, according to 2Ch 15:19
2Ch 16:1, in the thirty-sixth year of Asa; but according to 1Ki 16:8-9, his son was killed by Zimri in the twenty-sixth year of Asa, and consequently he could not make war upon him in the thirty-sixth year of his reign. Chronologers endeavour to reconcile this, by saying that the years should be reckoned, not from the beginning of Asa's reign, but from the separation of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. We must either adopt this mode of solution, or admit that there is a mistake in some of the numbers, probably in the parallel places in Chronicles, but which we have no direct means of correcting. *15:16


- long war
2 Samuel 3:1 La guerre dura longtemps entre la maison de Saül et la maison de David. David devenait de plus en plus fort, et la maison de Saül allait en s'affaiblissant.
- henceforth
2 Chroniques 16:9 Car l'Éternel étend ses regards sur toute la terre, pour soutenir ceux dont le coeur est tout entier à lui. Tu as agi en insensé dans cette affaire, car dès à présent tu auras des guerres.

Versets de 1 Rois 15

Chapitres de 1 Rois

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