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2 Chroniques 35.1 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG 2Ch 35:1 Josias célébra la Pâque en l'honneur de l'Éternel à Jérusalem, et l'on immola la Pâque le quatorzième jour du premier mois.

KJV 2Ch 35:1 Moreover Josiah kept a passover unto the LORD in Jerusalem: and they killed the passover on the fourteenth day of the first month.

Références liées

The whole solemnity was performed with great exactness according to the law, and upon that account there was none like it since Samuel's time; for even in Hezekiah's passover there were several irregularities. Bp. Patrick observes, that in this also it exceeded the other passovers which preceding things had kept, that though Josiah was by no means so rich as David, or Solomon, or Jehoshaphat, yet he furnished the congregation with beasts for sacrifice, both paschal and eucharistical, at his own proper cost and charge, which was more than any king ever did before. 2Ch 30:1-27
*2Ki 23:21-23
the fourteenth
*Exod 12:6
*Num 9:3
Deut 16:1-8
*Ezr 6:19
Eze 45:21
Josiah's solemnization of the passover, which is merely alluded to at 2Ki 23:21, is very particularly related her, while the destruction of idolatry is largely related in the Kings, and here only touched upon. The feasts of the Lord God, appointed by the ceremonial law, were very numerous; but the passover was the chief. It was the first which was solemnized in the night wherein Israel came out of Egypt, and ushered in those which were afterwards instituted, and it was the last great feast which was held in the night wherein Christ was betrayed, before the vail of the temple was rent in twain. Be means of this feast, both Josiah and Hezekiah revived religion in their day.


- his appointed
Nombres 9:2 Il dit: Que les enfants d'Israël célèbrent la Pâque au temps fixé.
- Judah
Jérémie 3:10 Malgré tout cela, la perfide Juda, sa soeur, n'est pas revenue à moi de tout son coeur ; c'est avec fausseté qu'elle l'a fait, dit l'Éternel.
- Josias
Matthieu 1:10 Ézéchias engendra Manassé ; Manassé engendra Amon ; Amon engendra Josias ;

Versets de 2 Chroniques 35

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