Deutéronome 9.17 [Références croisées TSKe]
Texte (français et anglais)
LSG Dt 9:17 Je saisis les deux tables, je les jetai de mes mains, et je les brisai sous vos yeux.
KJV Dt 9:17 And I took the two tables, and cast them out of my two hands, and brake them before your eyes.
Références liées
cast them
- Moses might have done this through distress and anguish of spirit, on beholding their abominable idolatry and dissolute conduct; or probably he did it emblematically, and perhaps by the direction of God; intimating thereby, that as by this act of his the tables were broken in pieces, on which the Law of God was written, so they, by their present conduct, had made a breach in the covenant, and broken the laws of their Maker and Sovereign. Deut 9:17
- he sawExode 32:19 Et, comme il approchait du camp, il vit le veau et les danses. La colère de Moïse s'enflamma ; il jeta de ses mains les tables, et les brisa au pied de la montagne.
Versets de Deutéronome 9
Dt 9.1 Dt 9.2 Dt 9.3 Dt 9.4 Dt 9.5 Dt 9.6 Dt 9.7 Dt 9.8 Dt 9.9 Dt 9.10 Dt 9.11 Dt 9.12 Dt 9.13 Dt 9.14 Dt 9.15 Dt 9.16 Dt 9.17 Dt 9.18 Dt 9.19 Dt 9.20 Dt 9.21 Dt 9.22 Dt 9.23 Dt 9.24 Dt 9.25 Dt 9.26 Dt 9.27 Dt 9.28 Dt 9.29
Chapitres de Deutéronome
Dt 1 Dt 2 Dt 3 Dt 4 Dt 5 Dt 6 Dt 7 Dt 8 Dt 9 Dt 10 Dt 11 Dt 12 Dt 13 Dt 14 Dt 15 Dt 16 Dt 17 Dt 18 Dt 19 Dt 20 Dt 21 Dt 22 Dt 23 Dt 24 Dt 25 Dt 26 Dt 27 Dt 28 Dt 29 Dt 30 Dt 31 Dt 32 Dt 33 Dt 34
Livres bibliques
Genèse Exode Lévitique Nombres Deutéronome Josué Juges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Rois 2 Rois 1 Chroniques 2 Chroniques Esdras Néhémie Esther Job Psaumes Proverbes Ecclésiaste Cantique Esaïe Jérémie Lamentations Ezéchiel Daniel Osée Joël Amos Abdias Jonas Michée Nahum Habacuc Sophonie Aggée Zacharie Malachie Matthieu Marc Luc Jean Actes Romains 1 Corinthiens 2 Corinthiens Galates Ephésiens Philippiens Colossiens 1 Thessalon. 2 Thessalon. 1 Timothée 2 Timothée Tite Philémon Hébreux Jacques 1 Pierre 2 Pierre 1 Jean 2 Jean 3 Jean Jude Apocalypse