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Exode 12.34 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG Ex 12:34 Le peuple emporta sa pâte avant qu'elle fût levée. Ils enveloppèrent les pétrins dans leurs vêtements, et les mirent sur leurs épaules.

KJV Ex 12:34 And the people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneadingtroughs being bound up in their clothes upon their shoulders.

Références liées

kneading troughs, or, dough, *Exod 8:3
Probably like the kneading-troughs of the Arabs; comparatively small wooden bowls, which also serve them for dishes. Their being bound up in their clothes may mean no more than their being wrapped up in their hykes, or long, loose, garments. See Shaw's Travels, p. 224, 4to. edit.

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