- Un éclairage sur la foi

Juges 20.47 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG Jg 20:47 Six cents hommes, qui avaient tourné le dos et qui s'étaient enfuis vers le désert au rocher de Rimmon, demeurèrent là pendant quatre mois.

KJV Jg 20:47 But six hundred men turned and fled to the wilderness unto the rock Rimmon, and abode in the rock Rimmon four months.

Références liées

six hundred
*Judg 21:13
*Psa 103:9-10,
*Isa 1:9
Jer 14:7
*Lam 3:32
Hab 3:2, rock of Rimmon, The rock Rimmon was doubtless a strong place; but it is uncertain where situated. It is probable however, that it was near, and took its name from, the village of Remmon, mentioned by Eusebius, fifteen miles north from Jerusalem. It appears that rocks are still resorted to in the East, as places of security; and some of them are even capable of sustaining a siege. Deut. Lam. Roque says, that "The Grand Seignior, wishing to seize the person of the emir - Fakr-eddin, prince of the Druses
gave orders to the pacha to take him prisoner: he accordingly came in search of him, with a new army, in the district of Chouf, which is part of mount Lebanon, wherein is the village of Gesin, and close to it, the rock which served for a retreat to the emir. It is named in Arabic, Magara Gesin, i.e., the cavern of Gessin, by which name it is famous. The pacha pressed the emir so closely, that this unfortunate prince was obliged to shut himself up in the cleft of a great rock, with a small number of his officers. The pacha besieged him there several months; and was going to blow up the rock by a mine, when the emir capitulated.


- twenty
Juges 20:15 Le dénombrement que l'on fit en ce jour des Benjamites sortis des villes fut de vingt-six mille hommes, tirant l'épée, sans compter les habitants de Guibea formant sept cents hommes d'élite.
- sufficed them not
Juges 21:14 En ce temps-là, les Benjamites revinrent, et on leur donna les femmes à qui l'on avait laissé la vie parmi les femmes de Jabès en Galaad. Mais il n'y en avait pas assez pour eux.
- Rimmon
Zacharie 14:10 Tout le pays deviendra comme la plaine, de Guéba à Rimmon, Au midi de Jérusalem ; Et Jérusalem sera élevée et restera à sa place, Depuis la porte de Benjamin jusqu'au lieu de la première porte, Jusqu'à la porte des angles, Et depuis la tour de Hananeel jusqu'aux pressoirs du roi.

Versets de Juges 20

Chapitres de Juges

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