- Un éclairage sur la foi

Lévitique 7.23 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG Lv 7:23 Parle aux enfants d'Israël, et dis: Vous ne mangerez point de graisse de boeuf, d'agneau ni de chèvre.

KJV Lv 7:23 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Ye shall eat no manner of fat, of ox, or of sheep, or of goat.

Références liées

Any other fat they might eat; but the fat of these was sacred, because they were the only animals which were offered in sacrifice, though many others ranked among the clean animals as well as these. This prohibition may, however, be understood of these animals when offered in sacrifice, and then only in reference to the inward fat, described in Lev 7:4. Of the fat in any other circumstances, it cannot be intended, as it was one of the especial blessings which God gave to his people - "Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats," were the provision which he graciously bestowed on his followers. - See note on Deut 32:12-14. *Lev 3:16-17, 4:8-10, 17:6
*Deut 32:38
1Sa 2:15-17, 29
*Acts 28:27
Rom 8:13
*Rom 13:13


- presently
1 Samuel 2:16 Et si l'homme lui disait: Quand on aura brûlé la graisse, tu prendras ce qui te plaira, le serviteur répondait: Non ! tu donneras maintenant, sinon je prends de force.
- things
Actes 15:20 mais qu'on leur écrive de s'abstenir des souillures des idoles, de l'impudicité, des animaux étouffés et du sang.

Versets de Lévitique 7

Chapitres de Lévitique

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