- Un éclairage sur la foi

Luc 3.36 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG Lc 3:36 fils de Kaïnam, fils d'Arphaxad, fils de Sem, fils de Noé, fils de Lamech,

KJV Lc 3:36 Which was the son of Cainan, which was the son of Arphaxad, which was the son of Sem, which was the son of Noe, which was the son of Lamech,

Références liées

This Cainan is not found in the Hebrew Text of any of the genealogies, but only in the Septuagint; from which, probably, the evangelist transcribed the register, as sufficiently exact for his purpose, and as more generally suited to command attention. - See note on Gen 11:12. It may here be remarked, that though some of the same names occur here, from Nathan downwards, as in Joseph's genealogy, yet there appears no sufficient evidence that the same persons were intended, different persons often bearing the same name.
Gen 5:32, 7:13, *9:18, 26, 27, 10:21-22, 11:10-26
*1Ch 1:17, Shem
Luke 17:27
Gen 5:29-30, 6:8-10, *22, 7:1, 23, 8:1, 9:1
Eze 14:14
Heb 11:7
1Pe 3:20
*2Pe 2:5, Noah


- book
Genèse 5:1 Voici le livre de la postérité d'Adam. Lorsque Dieu créa l'homme, il le fit à la ressemblance de Dieu.
- And the
Genèse 5:4 Les jours d'Adam, après la naissance de Seth, furent de huit cents ans ; et il engendra des fils et des filles.
- the name
Genèse 10:25 Il naquit à Héber deux fils: le nom de l'un était Péleg, parce que de son temps la terre fut partagée, et le nom de son frère était Jokthan.
- Lamech
1 Chroniques 1:3 Hénoc, Metuschélah, Lémec,
- Noah
1 Chroniques 1:4 Noé, Sem, Cham et Japhet.

Versets de Luc 3

Chapitres de Luc

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