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Nombres 3.39 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG Nb 3:39 Tous les Lévites dont Moïse et Aaron firent le dénombrement sur l'ordre de l'Éternel, selon leurs familles, tous les mâles depuis l'âge d'un mois et au-dessus, furent vingt-deux mille.

KJV Nb 3:39 All that were numbered of the Levites, which Moses and Aaron numbered at the commandment of the LORD, throughout their families, all the males from a month old and upward, were twenty and two thousand.

Références liées

and Aaron
The word וֹאֹהֹרֹןֹ, weaharon, "and Aaron," has a point over each of its letters, probably designed as a mark of spuriousness. The word is wanting in the Samaritan, Syriac, and Coptic, and also in eight of Dr. Kennicott's and in four of De Rossi's manuscripts. Moses alone, as Houbigant observes, was commanded to number the Levites - Num 3:5, 11, 40, 44, 51 for as the money with which the first-born were redeemed was to be paid to Aaron and his sons - 48
it was decent that he, whose advantage it was that the number of the first-born should exceed, should not be authorized to take that number himself. twenty and two thousand. This total does not agree with the particulars; for the Gershonites were 7,500, the Kohathites 8,600, and the Merarites 6,200, which make a total of 22,300. Several methods of solving this difficulty have been proposed by learned men. Houbigant supposes there is an error in the enumeration of the Kohathites in Num 3:28
the numeral shesh, "six," being written instead of shalosh, "three," before "hundred." Dr. Kennicott's mode of reconciling the discrepancy, however, is the most simple. He supposes that an error has crept into the number of the Gershonites in Num 3:22, where instead of 7,500 we should read 7,200, as ך, caph final, which stands for 500, might have been easily mistaken for ר, resh, 200 (Dr. Kennicott on the Hebrew Text, vol. II. p. 212). Either of these modes will equally reconcile the difference. *4:47-48, *26:62
*Matt 7:14


Nombres 3:15 Fais le dénombrement des enfants de Lévi, selon les maisons de leurs pères, selon leurs familles ; tu feras le dénombrement de tous les mâles, depuis l'âge d'un mois et au-dessus.
- word
Nombres 3:16 Moïse en fit le dénombrement sur l'ordre de l'Éternel, en se conformant à l'ordre qui lui fut donné.
Nombres 3:43 Tous les premiers-nés, dont on fit le dénombrement, en comptant les noms, depuis l'âge d'un mois et au-dessus, furent vingt-deux mille deux cent soixante-treize.
- which are
Nombres 3:46 Pour le rachat des deux cent soixante-treize qui dépassent le nombre des Lévites, parmi les premiers-nés des enfants d'Israël,

Versets de Nombres 3

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