- Un éclairage sur la foi

2 Chroniques 9.21 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG 2Ch 9:21 Car le roi avait des navires de Tarsis naviguant avec les serviteurs de Huram ; et tous les trois ans arrivaient les navires de Tarsis, apportant de l'or et de l'argent, de l'ivoire, des singes et des paons.

KJV 2Ch 9:21 For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.

Références liées

*1Ki 10:22, *22:48, Tharshish
Bochart thinks this Tarshish was probably the promontory Cory, on the north of the island of Ceylon, which, according to him, was the land of Ophir. That it was name of a place in the East Indies, seems probable from the articles brought thence, and also from the ships sent thither being built at Ezion-geber, on the Red Sea; though Michaelis supposes that the fleet coasted along the shore of Africa, doubling the Cape of Good Hope, and came to Tartessus, in Spain, and thence back again the same way; that this accounts for their three years' voyage out and home; and that Spain and the coasts of Africa furnish all the commodities which they brought back.
or, elephants' teeth
Tukkeeyim is rendered taysin in the Targum, ταωνων, in the Alexandrian manuscript of the LXX, and pavos, "peacocks," in the Vulgate; with which the Syriac, Arabic, and Rabbins agree. This derives confirmation from the fact, that the peacock is called in Malabaric, Togei. *Job 39:13


- to Tarshish
2 Chroniques 20:37 Alors Éliézer, fils de Dodava, de Maréscha, prophétisa contre Josaphat, et dit: Parce que tu t'es associé avec Achazia, l'Éternel détruit ton oeuvre. Et les navires furent brisés, et ne purent aller à Tarsis.
Psaumes 72:10 Les rois de Tarsis et des îles paieront des tributs, Les rois de Séba et de Saba offriront des présents.
- ye ships
Esaïe 23:1 Oracle sur Tyr. Lamentez-vous, navires de Tarsis ! Car elle est détruite: plus de maisons ! plus d'entrée ! C'est du pays de Kittim que la nouvelle leur en est venue.

Versets de 2 Chroniques 9

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