- Un éclairage sur la foi

Esaïe 3.7 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG Es 3:7 Ce jour-là même il répondra: Je ne saurais être un médecin, Et dans ma maison il n'y a ni pain ni vêtement ; Ne m'établissez pas chef du peuple !

KJV Es 3:7 In that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be an healer; for in my house is neither bread nor clothing: make me not a ruler of the people.

Références liées

Heb. lift up the hand, Gen 14:22
*Deut 32:40
Rev 10:5-6,
Heb. binder up, Isa 58:12
Jer 14:19
*Lam 2:13
*Hos 5:13, 6:1
neither bread
Princes and great men in the East, as Sir J. Chardin testifies, are obliged to have a great stock of clothes in readiness for presents on all occasions; and a great quantity of provisions for the table is equally necessary - see 1Ki 4:22-23,. Neh 5:17-18,. Hence the person desired to undertake the government, alleges as an excuse that he is not able to support the dignity of his station.

Versets de Esaïe 3

Chapitres de Esaïe

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