- Un éclairage sur la foi

Exode 21.15 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG Ex 21:15 Celui qui frappera son père ou sa mère sera puni de mort.

KJV Ex 21:15 And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death.

Références liées

To smite either father or mother, in a manner which indicated either contempt or malice, or left marks of violence, was deemed a proof of so ungrateful and unnatural a disposition, that no provocation was admitted as an excuse, but the offence was made capital: nay, he who cursed his father or mother, who uttered imprecations, ill wishes, or revilings, against a parent, was included in the same sense; though few crimes were made capital by the law of Moses. The law of God, as delegated to parents is honoured when they are honoured, and despised when they are despised, and to rebel against the lawful exercise of this authority is rebellion against God. - Rev. T. Scott

*Deut 21:18-21, *27:24
*Prov 30:11, *17
1Ti 1:9


- Honour
Exode 20:12 Honore ton père et ta mère, afin que tes jours se prolongent dans le pays que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te donne.
- fear
Lévitique 19:3 Chacun de vous respectera sa mère et son père, et observera mes sabbats. Je suis l'Éternel, votre Dieu.

Versets de Exode 21

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