- Un éclairage sur la foi

2 Samuel 16.13 [Références croisées TSKe]

Texte (français et anglais)

LSG 2S 16:13 David et ses gens continuèrent leur chemin. Et Schimeï marchait sur le flanc de la montagne près de David, et, en marchant, il maudissait, il jetait des pierres contre lui, il faisait voler la poussière.

KJV 2S 16:13 And as David and his men went by the way, Shimei went along on the hill's side over against him, and cursed as he went, and threw stones at him, and cast dust.

Références liées

2 Samuel 16:5 David était arrivé jusqu'à Bachurim. Et voici, il sortit de là un homme de la famille et de la maison de Saül, nommé Schimeï, fils de Guéra. Il s'avança en prononçant des malédictions,
2 Samuel 16:6 et il jeta des pierres à David et à tous les serviteurs du roi David, tandis que tout le peuple et tous les hommes vaillants étaient à la droite et à la gauche du roi.
cast dust
Heb. dusted him with dust, *Acts 23:23
It was an ancient custom, in those warm and arid countries, to lay the dust before a person of distinction, by sprinkling the ground with water. Dr. Pococke and the consul were treated with this respect when they entered Cairo. The same custom is alluded to in the well-known fable of Phedrus, in which a slave is represented going before Augustus and officiously laying the dust. To throw dust in the air while a person was passing was therefore an act of great disrespect; to do so before a sovereign prince, an indecent outrage. But it is probable that Shimei meant more than disrespect and outrage to this afflicted king. Sir John Chardin informs us, that in the East, in general, those who demand justice against a criminal throw dust upon him, signifying that he ought to be put in the grave, and hence the common imprecation among the Turks and Persians, "Be covered with earth," or, "Earth be upon thy head.


- cursed
2 Samuel 19:21 Alors Abischaï, fils de Tseruja, prit la parole et dit: Schimeï ne doit-il pas mourir pour avoir maudit l'oint de l'Éternel ?

Versets de 2 Samuel 16

Chapitres de 2 Samuel

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